Product Masters

all-in-one IT micro-learning platform with jobs for IT professionals
Product Masters - Education-as-a-Service

Problems of IT Professionals

  • It is hard for IT professionals to commit to courses lasting 2+ months due to busy schedules

  • Traditional long-lasting courses lead to cognitive overload and low course completion rate (CCR), which is generally less than 50%
Hard to Commit
  • Companies post new vacancies that require up-to-date hard skills which needs to be learnt upfront
  • One-size-fits all approach no longer works and does not cater to diverse needs and skill levels of IT professionals
Market Needs New Skills
Personalized Needs

Solution to the Problems

  • Micro-courses delivers content with small, easily-digestible chunks that can be learnt in short time (1+ hour), during the lunch time or commute

  • By focusing on one topic at a time micro-courses allow learners to acquire skills better and stay engaged
Easy to Commit
  • By creating micro-courses based on specific company and vacancies’ needs, IT professional can stay up-to-date with latest requirements of the market on hard skills
  • Micro-courses enable learner to choose their own learning path and skip parts, that they already have learnt or unnecessary for their job
New Skills Acquired
Personalized Learning Path

How our product works

IT Companies post Vacancies & describe Required Skills
IT SEducators create Micro-Courses based on Required Skills
Required Skills are shared with IT Educators
Candidates’ Required Skills automatically verified after they complete Micro-Courses
IT Companies assess and approve Micro-Courses from IT Educators
Candidates enroll to Micro-Courses
Candidates apply to Vacancies with verified Required Skills and get hired

With Product Masters, your journey to mastering essential skills and building a talented workforce starts here.

Explore a vast catalog of courses thoroughly organized by categories, ensuring you find the exact skills you need.
Explore Courses
Gain access to top-tier courses covering a wide array of subjects essential for success in today's rapidly evolving job market.
Access Top-tier Content
Keep yourself informed with the latest job openings relevant to your skill set, seamlessly integrated into our platform for your convenience.
Stay Updated on Job Openings
Simplify your recruitment process by effortlessly searching for potential employees with the precise skills your company requires, saving time and resources.
Effortless Recruitment
Explore courses offered by renowned educational institutions, guaranteeing quality instruction and valuable learning experiences every time.
Discover Renowned Institutions
Seamlessly manage your subscriptions to ensure uninterrupted access to our ever-expanding library of courses, empowering continuous learning and skill development.
Manage Subscriptions
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Kuanyshbek Sagyngaliyev
Marketing Designer
Yerkebulan Saparov
• CEO at Product Masters
• ex-PM at Jabu Logistics Africa YCombinator Summer 2021 batch
• $18.2M in Seed & Series A)
• ex-consultant at PwC
• ex-assistant to co-founder at Aviata
Madina Moldabekova
Sales Manager
Dilyara Temirbulatova
UX/UI Designer
Yerkebulan Zhappar
• CTO at Product Masters
• Low-Code Developer
• Developed 15+ mobile apps
• 2.5 years of coding experience
